Thursday, March 19, 2020

One week later...

One week ago, I was shut downs were even in my mind on when I woke up on Thursday March 12th.

Quickly, everything began shutting down.  By 9 PM on Thursday night, I felt that my "Coronavacation" was imminent.

Fast forward to Friday, try teaching during this time of uncertainty.  Students knew something was amiss and teachers/staff were trying to keep a poker face.  However, I know my classes felt like controlled chaos.  Life was not right.

Friday March 13th at 2:15 - Finally an email from the will continue as normal next week.
Friday March 13th at 3:20 - AN ANNOUNCEMENT to check our email immediately...governor declares a 2 week shut down.  Okay brain shift!

By 5 PM, my class pet and I are settled in at home.  I want to watch hours of TV news on this event, but can't for a variety of reasons.

The weekend was surreal.  Some things were still on and others were cancelled.

I do not sit still well and my students are my I found some ideas and have run with them.  Our Facebook PTO page has a LEGO challenge daily, a night time story at 7:30 with my crew, and a Blessing Box has been added.


I do not know...the kids are settling into some unstructured learning activities.  I am trying to keep up with my one box a day cleaning goal.  Plus, potty training two stubborn toddlers.

Go Noodle on You Tube +
Movie night blankets left out

Ben loves doing Adventure Academy with the free trial offer

Bella has taken to crafting - this is a planter
Overall, I am enjoying my Covid 19 break.  I have some big projects to tackle like my SLO (student learning objective) data, figuring out how to plant a school garden when my seeds are locked in the building, and making memories!

What are you doing this week?

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