Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New Year New Start 2021

 I know that most people are "over" or "done" with 2020 and the pandemic.  The NEW YEAR means new starts and new opportunities.  Shouldn't every NEW YEAR be embraced? 

When I wrote one year ago, I would have not predicted one thing from March 13 to today.  Nope - none of it!   Here is my post from 1 year ago 2019 Year in Review

I had picked my one word last year to be "engaged".  Well, when I pick a word, it always surprises me how it is fulfilled or carried out.  I never thought that it would mean being ENGAGED in teaching my children from home.  It didn't mean connecting with students over a chat on TEAMS.  It did not mean checking in with friends and family via zoom, text, etc...  I have had to find new ways to ENGAGE my students.  I think that the word fit the last year better than expected!

So onto word that I keep coming back to is "ENOUGH".  It has a slightly negative connotation.  But I am ENOUGH.  I am doing ENOUGH.  I am good ENOUGH.  I have had ENOUGH of COVID 19.  But what is the real definition of ENOUGH?  From, it says "adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire".  I think that this sounds good ENOUGH for me!

I am giving up on the 1 second a day app.  I actually figured out how to do my own montage using the video software on my computer plus I just cannot add to my list of daily "to dos".  I will share last year's when I catch up adding pictures to it from March - November.  

Here is a link to my 1 Second mash up for 2020     2020

I am going to try two podcasts about my faith.  I try to keep this blog focused on professional topics, but I am still human.  So you can either stop reading here or check them out below!

1. I have always wanted to read the Bible. I think that most Christians have tried to read the whole book or have good intentions to try it.  Well, I found a podcast by a Catholic Priest that I follow from time to time who is reading the Bible this year.  I usually listen to him on YouTube when I am driving alone and need something to listen to.  Well, the cool thing is that it follows the "Great Adventure" Bible.  I had not heard of it and could not justify buying another Bible. 

GOOSEBUMP STORY - Well, last week, I popped into work in a terrible mood, super stressed out, and ready to "lose it".  It was a BAD day in home learning (actually the worst in the past 9 months kind of bad day!).  A co-worker from the maintenance department whom I barely know other than a polite wave and facebook 'friend' approached me and asked if I wanted some Catholic books.  Sure...then he went on to say something like "I also have this Great Adventure Bible if you want it"  WHAT _ WAIT_ STOP_ SHUT UP.  I had not even told my husband that I wanted this exact Bible or was considering listening to this podcast.  It was like God was saying to me - here is what you NEED!
Here is a link if you are interested in the podcast -  Bible in a Year.  I honestly don't know where I will find 20 minutes to listen, but it is a novel goal and 2 of my children are super interested.  

2. I have a book that I borrowed from my daughter's book shelf in April and put on my "TO READ" stack.  I have honestly looked at it, moved it, hid it, etc... The other day it reappeared back on my nightstand and not by me!   Maybe hubby?  Then I saw another Catholic blogger who is going to tackle this book in 10 minutes a day.  BUT I already want to listen to another podcast that I do not think that I have time for.  How can I find time for a second?  Honestly, no clue...maybe while I get ready in the morning?  Maybe 1 day a week I can play catch up?  Maybe it won't happen.  It will be recorded for me and ready when I am ready.  
Here is a link to that podcast as well - St. Faustina's Diary

So here is to a NEW YEAR and a NEW START.  I look forward to trying some new science activities, new podcasts, and balance home and school.  I don't see an easy road ahead...but inch by inch it is a cinch is the old saying! 

Monday, December 28, 2020

DeSTEMber part 2

 Week 3 and 4 were done virtually.  So I had to modify the assignments and activities.

Grade K - 2 for week 3 was all about Santa's sleigh.  The book was called "The 12 Sleighs of Christmas".  The librarian and I picked the same story and activity without discussing it with each other.  So my response rate was lower.  Here is a link to the story on YouTube (and directions).  

Grade K - 2 did a jingle bell challenge for week 4.  I know that the video says week 2, but I created it before our schedule changed.  The goal was to make your jingle bell the QUIETEST!  It was fun seeing and hearing the ideas on Seesaw.  Two students actually suggested taking the bell apart.  Here is a link to the activity video.  Jingle Bell video

Grade 3 and 4 did a gingerbread house design challenge.  First, my son and I created a video and learned how to use some of the video editing software on the computer.  I LOVE the ability to mash pictures on my own.  I have tried an app called 1 second every day.  This serves the same purpose with lots more options.  So I created my instruction video on this software then uploaded a UNLISTED video to YouTube.  

Here are a few my student creations.  

Some students also chose to DRAW the pictures.  A previous art teacher even did a Facebook class on gingerbread houses.  Here is link to her gingerbread drawing activity online by Rachel Berlin.  Gingerbread art class

Grade 3 and 4 had Holiday Coding as the final DeSTEMber activity.  We used Google Santa Tracker and Grinch Hour of Code.  Students could pick and chose one of the activities.  Here are the links for next year!  Inside Google Santa tracker is Code Boogie and Code Lab. 

Overall, I enjoyed the blended activities of school and home.  The challenges led to new opportunities and thinking outside the box.  

Friday, December 11, 2020

De"STEM"ber part 1

 Students in our district returned to school in person on Tuesday, December 1st.  The debate and controversy and uncertainty was heavy in the air, but I wanted to make the activities special for the students.  I found the idea to do De"STEM"ber this month so that is what we did!  

Week 1 of De"STEM"ber:

Grade 3 and 4 did a tessellation tree the first week and reviewed how to find information on TEAMS.  The outcome was pretty cool.  I kept each class separate so that it would be easier to return later.    Here is the link to the printable.  Tessellation printable   

Here are the six tessellation trees...the other classes missed because of a snow day and no school on Nov. 30th.  

Here is our link to learn more about tessellations as well!

Grade Kindergarten through 2nd grade made upcycled or recycled trees using "dust jackets".  Students then practiced taking a picture on SeeSaw for future remote learning.  The challenge was teaching how to create a star at the top.  Overall, this went well.  I also created this video incase that we had to do it remote - Loom video link  

Here are a few creations:


Week 2 of De"STEM"ber brought new fun activities:

K - 1 created a reindeer face like a puzzle using a sheet with pieces to cut out and assemble.  Then they were put on a "letter" to families on how to turn the reindeer into a marble run!  
Here is a link to the pieces - Savvy Teaching blog link


So one side is the directions to make a reindeer marble run with cardboard tubes and the other side is the cute kid created reindeer.  I will try to add some pictures here soon!

Plus we had fun watching the "Reindeer Cam" most days as well as we worked - Reindeer Cam

2nd grade worked on learning to make paper beads.  Wow - this was a challenge.  I would only repeat with older students or pre-printed triangles.  I used this video to show how to do it then we attempted to upcycle old magazines.  They could make an ornament or a necklace.  Some loved it...some tried and struggled.  

Grade 3 and 4 worked on a book mark that could be turned into a Christmas tree and 4 out of 5 days included GLITTER.  I never use glitter and it was messy fun.  No regrets since next week will be remote!  Here is the video I created for directions - Bookmark tree video

Next week is back to remote learning and new lessons for De"STEM"ber!  

Look for part 2 around 12/23 when we are done with the next two weeks of home learning!