Saturday, February 26, 2022

Health, Hearts, and Cars

 I always struggle to come up with catchy it a list of topics!

Our assistant to the superintendent started a steps challenge for February - April.  I joined since I know that these activities help with health care premiums or something equivalent.  Plus, I also have wondered how many steps I really walk in a day.   My phone tracks steps but I do not carry my phone ALL the time.  
So I got a very basic fit bit tracker with a connected app.  The app that I am using is Very Fit Pro.  I will try to figure out the name of my device too...My mom got me a smart watch a couple of Christmas ago but it was not what I needed at the time.  I might dust it off and try it again too and compare.
Here is a link to a very similar model at Walmart of my device - Watch tracker

Take aways:
The device needs 10 steps to take the longer path to the fridge.
I should take the ramp at work not the stairs.  One or two extra trips up/down the ramp adds LOTS of steps.
It lets me know about phone calls and when I am sitting too long.
I can track my sleep and get idea of how well I am sleeping

Just get a baseline of my every day activity.
Find simple ways to increase my movement

Steps this week so far:

This week, every class learned a few basic heart facts and reviewed from the Kids Heart Challenge.  We used the health module in Pebble Go.  One cool fact is that your heart is the size of a fist!

Then we colored a diagram of the heart.  The K - 2 used one from Crayola - link to that page
Simple Heart.  While the older 3rd and 4th graders used one from Education - link to that page Complicated heart.

Some of the students were fascinated...some were grossed out...a few were not interested.  But the goal of STEAM is letting students see a variety of topics.  I see health and science working hand in hand.


Finally, my own kids were working on their Pine Wood Derby cars for cub scouts.  This is always a labor of love.  They were really not sure what to create.  The cars were created in December and sat in boxes.  Finally, we looked at them and had to figure it out.  Lucas had a very basic car with a simple design.  TJ had a more complicated design that needed a creative design to work.  Lucas decided on a basic Roblox symbol on black background.  Some painters tape and some paint.  He was done.
TJ had this weird cut out that called for a rider/driver.  As the Winter Olympics wraps up, he decided on a bobsled.  We found a random character and painted wings and decoupage on some stars.  

Here is a cool article on the history of Pinewood Derby - Derby cars history

I will let you know how we did and pictures of the boys with their cars.

#4 is TjJs bobsled car that won most creative

#5 with the Roblox symbol won scariest

Have a great weekend.  Onto Read Across America week...K is working on patterns, 1st grade is working on ?, 2nd grade are going to start our back scratcher project, 3rd grade is going to learn about either Ozobots or Spheros, and 4th grade is doing a super hero digital citizenship activity from

Saturday, February 19, 2022


Thank you for the kind comments and support last week in the middle of my emotional crumbling.  It happens to the best of us.  I was prepared for the emotional, physical, and many other stresses of the pandemic going into the 20-21 school year.  However, many teachers and adult humans were led astray to think that the 21-22 school year would be easier, more manageable, less stressful, etc...  WRONG!

This year has been a roller coaster ride and I just am doing my best to focus on my goal to provide the best education to my students as possible.  

The capstone of the week was collaborating with my specials team to create a fun filled day to finish up the America Heart Challenge.  Students learned about the heart in the gym and how to transfer the blue de-oxygenated blood cells to the lungs...then pass 5 red oxygenated blood cells back to body.  It was a fun relay with students passing the ball while laying on their backs.  Then the students played a tablet tag - the goal was for the students to stay sleeping and not to be woke up by the tablet - aka balls. 

In the auditorium/library, students made a heart map.  They put in activities that they enjoy to relax, favorite healthy foods, favorite colors, heart healthy activities, and something to show the importance of sleep.  It was an awesome creative activity based on a Ted Talk.  

Then Friday was a day to collaborate and learn with our fellow teachers.  

Here are few pictures of our paper tower challenge from last week.  The tallest was 51 inches!

Coloring a heart, listening to Pebble Go about our heart, and more is on the schedule for this week!

Hoping some sunshine and time with family re-fills my tank this Monday is a holiday.

Plus we are in a step challenge at work.  I got this new "fancy" ish pedometer.  I hope to increase my steps and track my sleep.  Not sure what is normal and not normal, but data is helpful to staying healthy!  

I walked nearly 14000 steps on Thursday.  Friday was almost 4000.  Goal for today is 4000!  We shall see.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Does life slow down?

I was rocking the weekly blog posts for a while then it came crashing to a halt.   

I probably should not be writing this blog post today...I am in a grumpy mood/funk this morning.  Why? 
I am super busy but not getting anywhere. 
One child cancelled a text on my phone from another my mom.  This meant my pre-teen girl missed a last minute party.  She knew about the party but thought that she wasn't invited.  She was invited at the last minute and I missed the text because I checked out on a Friday night and ignored my phone.  I feel bad - these are important moments.
My clean house a week ago looks like a crime scene (okay not that bad but not where I want it to be). 
My teen is behind in history and I get to do catch up.  He has set a goal to get on honor rolls - this is going to be a challenge for him/us.
Plus, I injured my back this week and did not have time to set up an appointment with my chiropractor and I am in pain.  How?  Coughing - yep - old people injuries.  It was feeling better but is really hurting this morning.
Oh and one of my go-to people at work - a work bestie is taking an extended leave.  Another close co-worker bestie changed jobs at the beginning of year.  I snapped at another last week.  Covid stole my team lunches...adulting in a pandemic is TOUGH!  I was reminded of all of this as we had a Souper Bowl luncheon yesterday.

I should look at my blessings...but nope the funk has taken over...I want to cry...I want to scream...I am frustrated.  Okay as I type, I am now crying.  Yep...some days we can be a cheerleader and all fake...some days you get a raw blog post.

Thank you for letting me type out my emotions...but let us focus on why I started this blog - to document what is going on in STEAM classes.  

3rd and 4th graders are working on Microbits.  I regret that we do not have pictures.  But we learned to sign in, create basic code, download/upload the program, and now are working on making it a dice.  The website is awesome - I just wish that I had the new version with microphone and audio out put.  I am considering buying new ones soon!  Check them out at this website - Microbit website

Where can I buy them?  The starter kit for the new version is $40 on Amazon - Amazon store

2nd grade has been learning about PIXELS and PIXEL ART.  I even got in my formal observation on Monday this week.  I just need to finish up my data.

I am using some resources and lessons that I have before.  I will follow up on Monday with some pictures of our STARS that we created.  But we did finish our 2nd virtual Stick Together Mosaic.  Next topic will be our paper tower challenge!  Look for an update next week.

Now we are working our next one!  What do you think this might be?

1st grade - has worked on math skills like counting by 1's, 10's, and 100's...
We were counting markers for Crayola ColorCycle!  It is on PAUSE because of the pandemic.  ColorCycle

Plus we are starting The Perfect Square - but 2 groups have not done this yet!

Kindergarten is working on tangrams.  This is always fun to watch them think and create.  I use this video.  We create two in the first class and then one more the second class.  

Plus we use StarFall to practice afterwards.  Starfall shape puzzles

Okay - so there are not many student pictures or project pictures...but lots of hard work happening in STEAM.  

I think that some retail therapy is in order - maybe a trip to my fav thrift store with the kids and their Valentine's Day money from grandma or to get some "essential unmentionables"  that need a serious update!  

I think that some fresh air might also be a good choice.  Not sure what today holds...but stewing is not good or binging on the Olympics!

Here are some of shape snowflakes from January!