Saturday, January 26, 2019

January updates

This month is flying by...

So what are we doing in STEAM and library?


Here is a highlight of each grade level:

Kindergarten - Winter centers, polar picture/skip counting puzzles, snow experiments and more!  Most are recycled from previous years, but I did add two snow science experiments. 

Experiment inspiration -
Melting snow
Salt experiment

First grade - Snow research on Pebble Go, make a recycled materials dendrite, and do skip counting puzzles.  Some of the groups also got to do the two snow science experiments

Second grade - Snow research on Pebble Go, make a recycled materials dendrite, and are starting coding on Kodable website

Third Grade - Read the "Technology Tail" and worked on Interland.  In addition, some chose to make a recycle materials dendrite.  Plus we are starting to learn how to use our printers and solve the first step of a Rubix cube

Interland - Be Internet Awesome
You Can Do the Cube

Fourth grade - same as third grade but they also did some paired programming on to "catch everyone up to the same spot

It has been a busy month plus 2 hour delays, snow days, teacher work days, meetings, and more!

Look for some cool pictures below.

Image result for technology tail

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

WQLN Competition

Wattsburg Area Elementary Center came together and worked hard to win the WQLN reading competition this fall.

The competition runs from September 1 to November 30.  Students started out by reading a PBS based book in library.  Students turned in forms and earned a STAR outside the library.

Our school won all three categories - school, class, and student winners.

Here are some of the amazing statistics:

Wattsburg Area School District read 16, 059 books.  Our school won the traveling trophy as well as $250 for new books!

Top students who read over 200 books:
1. Cheyanne B - 693 books - won a trophy lap desk, barnes and noble gift card, and book light!
2. Ezra D - 461
3. MiMi M - 390
4. Madison N - 262
5. Alcide A - 268
6. Jackson W - 217

Top 3 classes:
1. Mrs. Webb - 2030 - won a plaque and a pizza party for the classroom
2. Ms. Baltes - 1967
3. Mrs. Shores - 1943

Today was our school wide celebration and assembly

Here are a few pictures of the assembly:

Plus we were featured in the newspaper twice and on the news once.
WQLN article 1
WQLN article 2 
Your Erie News 

Finally, we get a shout out on the WQLN website.
WQLN website