Saturday, January 22, 2022

Short week reflection

I am trying to get back to consistently posting each week.  Finding my photos can sync with Google Photos means less cutting and pasting from my phone.  I still need to figure out cropping/editing.  But I can get phones directly on my computer which is AWESOME.

Here is an update from Elementary STEAM land:

Monday was a holiday/snow day...last day of family recovery from the illness monsters.

Tuesday was a 2 hour delay so that the community could unbury from 20+ inches of snow.

Wednesday and Thursday were normal days. 

Friday was a work day for teachers - a time to clean up (3 bags of trash out, book discards re-organized,  Cardboard tubes re-collected, return items to their proper location, give away other unwanted items, etc...) Plus worked on plans for our heart challenge and upcoming art and music activities.

Finally, time to sit and reflect and plan some lessons.  This was a a gift!  I love this moment.

So what did we work on in STEAM this week...lots to catch up on as well as AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) in 4th grade.  Always willing to try new lessons.  The IU lending library has been working with our district to try out new technologies.  So here we go!  I needed a way to use the technology.  They were truly playing with merge cubes not learning through the merge cubes.  So I needed a way to make it work.  

Here are few 3rd grade projects too from their snowflakes...We used a buffet of shapes to create these!

Finally, an updated picture of rotting Pumpkin Jack



MERGE CUBES and QUIVER - both versions of AR - Augmented reality applications


I will post more soon...this is just a short post to say that we are managing and ready for a more normal week next week!  

Stay warm and healthy - keep pushing yourself to try something new - treasure each moment.  

Friday, January 14, 2022

Crazy week update

 I honestly do not have much to post on this page.  Covid 19 finally shut my family down from two angles.  1st time that we are directly affected in 21 months!

I have been at home since Saturday night and it has been surreal. 
I left Saturday for 1 activity thinking that we were all healthy and no one told us to stay home.  

As an aside, I have been following the recommendations of our school district pandemic coordinator.  So if any of this posts is against your views...know that each decisions was directed/led by the professionals in my district NOT me making my choice.

But here is my story:

First, my son started with a headache and fever on Thursday.  He stayed at home Thursday and Friday.  The healthy family members could still attend school and activities since we did not have a test result...just wear a mask and be smart.

Friday night, I gave my oldest a ride home from work while her car was being repaired.  She was negative that morning when she took a test to return to school.  On Saturday night, she called to say that she was now POSITIVE.  That put me out on Monday-Wednesday as a "close contact".  But I felt fine!

Monday we took my son to the doctor for a return note for school which led to a Covid test.  On Wednesday, we found out he was a positive.  But Thursday through Tuesday (1/6 to 1/11) was his isolation with the updated guidelines from the CDC.  So back to school he went on Wednesday.  

But because of the positive test, the rest of the siblings and myself are now in "isolation/quarantine" so instead of returning to school Thursday and Friday.  I ended up being out ALL week.

Long story short, the positive kid is back in school and the mostly healthy kids and mom are at home.  We have joked about sending him out to Dollar General down the road for milk since he is the only who is supposed to leave the house.  We are masking and trying to sanitize and wash everything. 

The guidelines are hard to follow and keep changing.  

Overall, we have stayed relatively healthy.  I missed some fun lessons at school and really do not know how STEAM went.  I typically can check in or pop in after hours to check on life, but not right now.  

I left an easier paper snowflake project for 2nd - 4th grade.  2nd grade might have done pebble go research on snow?  3rd and 4th grade explored Interland which is a Google Internet Safety activity.

Be Internet Awesome Game Link

K and 1 worked on symmetry penguins.  I really wanted to see the cute results.  I left some possible penguin research on Pebble Go.  Thanks to Instagram - Penguin inspiration

Here is my example before eyes and a beak!

I will not know what happened or how it went until Tuesday.  I do know that Monday-Thursday that I had the same sub and a new one today.  Most of my classes were actually covered!  

It has been a lesson in letting go, loving my family, accepting this crazy disease, and lots of family time.  

Next week, I hope to do my shape snowflakes, melting snow experiments, arctic animal stations, penguin coloring, and augmented reality!  So much to plan and no way to copy worksheets, prep activities, etc...

Time to check on 6th and 8th grade math.  It is like running a one room school or virtual learning where no one wants to do anything but must do something.

Stay warm...stay healthy...create some memories even in the chaos!  

Sunday, January 9, 2022

January is SNOW much fun

 We are back in school during the first week of  January.  It was nice to see students and get them back in the routine. 

One big goal was re-starting/updating technology, making sure CLEVER was bookmarked, wrapping up old lessons/units, etc...

Plus some fun learning!  One thing that almost every class did was talk about the DECOMPOSING of Pumpkin Jack.  He is an ugly shrinking brown pumpkin - sort of.   The life cycle of pumpkin is very captivating to all ages.


Next, Kindergarten and first grade talked about how snowflakes are made using a short Wild Krats clip.

Then we used pattern shapes to talk about symmetry and patterns.  I showed the students three examples of shape snowflakes.  Then they created their own shape snowflakes.  Here are a few K and 1 creations.

Grade 2 - also talked about snowflakes but focused on creating radial symmetry, practicing following directions, and making a paper snowflake.  There was one super challenging step but the results were AWESOME.  Unfortunately, I got zero paper snowflake pictures this week.  

Here was my inspiration - paper snowflake directions

Grade 3 and 4 worked a variety of activities.  One third grade class had to finish marble runs, one fourth grade class had to finish light holiday cards with paper circuits, some tried Interland, most of 3rd grade started, and a review of EduTyping.

It was a busy week with few pictures of the older students work.  I am excited by more paper snow flakes, symmetrical penguins, and maybe moldable snow creations this week.  We shall see! 

So far, I am doing well keeping up with my One Word goal/project on creating MEMORIES at home and work.  My big project is off to a good start :)

Plus we got an Instapot at home - it has been so fun to try new recipes.  Super fast and tasty food so far. Here was our first meal - potatoes and chicken - they cooked together - but were served separate.  

Our final activity of holiday break was family skate time!  We went with my brother-in-law and his four kids from Florida.  My kids and I had a blast.  Here are a few pictures but lots of MEMORIES were made!  

Older cousins helping Lucas