Monday, August 28, 2023

Summer bucket list

 Last year, we started a summer 'bucket' list.

We tried to repeat this year...

Ben wanted to check out USA kilts near Collegeville PA and check out the races near us.  Hoping to do this next weekend?

Bella wanted to camp and re-visit Letchworth.

TJ wanted to have a summer birthday party and visit Letchworth.

Lucas wanted to have his friend over to play and just chill.

Cadia wanted to go McDonald's play place and have an over night with grandparents.

Mom wanted to go out 1 time per month with adults (dinner in June, breakfast in July, breakfast in August) and read at least 3 books.  I read 4!

Well yesterday we finished most of the bucket list.  12 cell camping but still a fun day :)

Here a few summer highlight pictures

They are already plotting for summer 24!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Ready to go

 As a public school educator, I struggle with late August.  

I LOVE teaching...really!  

I LOVE seeing colleagues!

I LOVE planning new lessons!

I struggle/grapple with the end of summer feelings.

This week was no different.  Our end of summer camping trip has to changed to a day trip.

Difficult but meaningful back to school presentations.  Google Rachel's Challenge.

Mini stressors like delays in information.

But a few things are helping remind me to keep going forward. 

1. Attending a high school football game...seeing students past and present.  I have touched their lives in some way.  I have more lives to touch.

2. This quote at inservice...

3. Seeing the excitement of new teachers.  I am loving mentoring a new teacher.  So ready to make a difference.

Onto a new outlook!

One day at a time!