Saturday, October 9, 2021

Dot Day, Zucchini Bread, and back to NORMAL

 The decision was suddenly made 2 weeks ago to return me to my special of STEAM by administration.

Okay - so on a Friday - I had to figure out how to regroup and teach my class.  Oh wait - I was going to be teaching a double class of STEAM and library with an extra adult to help (aides and/or principals!).  

I was ready but not ready for this experience.  My class of students that I had been with for 7 days was now divided among the 4 other classrooms at that grade level.  

So I pulled out my Dot Day lesson plan with modifications like NO technology.  

Originally...students read the book called "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds 

Then - we watched the illustrator/author create Dot inspired art work:

Then it was time for students to CREATE images...the last part was to practice uploading to either TEAMS assignments or SeeSaw.

Here are a few pictures:


Starting on September 8, I started doing a Farm to Table lesson about Zucchini Bread.  My last group got bread on October 1.  It took 3 weeks to teach a lesson to every student.  I ended up making 30+ loaves of zucchini bread.  I think it was 12-15 batches of zucchini bread.  I have left over eggs and need to use them up ASAP.  However, most of the frozen zucchini has been used at school!  

Students watched a cooking demonstration, discussed what is zucchini, tasted the bread, and more!

It was a busy time with the oven in a completely different wing of the school...but we made it work.

I would say that 95% of the students tried it and over 90% LOVED the recipe.  I do not have many pictures because it is hard to demonstrate and take pictures.  


In addition, the librarian and I made sure to share the story of the "Pumpkin Runner with almost all 500 students in STEAM and/or library.  This even meant a co-teaching day!  

The event at the track was AWESOME!

As you can see, it has been a crazy first 22 days of school.  I have been out of my room about 9-10 days.  

I did hang my first week of school projects too!  Those were all about initials and names.  I called it a creativity design challenge!

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