Wednesday, December 30, 2020

New Year New Start 2021

 I know that most people are "over" or "done" with 2020 and the pandemic.  The NEW YEAR means new starts and new opportunities.  Shouldn't every NEW YEAR be embraced? 

When I wrote one year ago, I would have not predicted one thing from March 13 to today.  Nope - none of it!   Here is my post from 1 year ago 2019 Year in Review

I had picked my one word last year to be "engaged".  Well, when I pick a word, it always surprises me how it is fulfilled or carried out.  I never thought that it would mean being ENGAGED in teaching my children from home.  It didn't mean connecting with students over a chat on TEAMS.  It did not mean checking in with friends and family via zoom, text, etc...  I have had to find new ways to ENGAGE my students.  I think that the word fit the last year better than expected!

So onto word that I keep coming back to is "ENOUGH".  It has a slightly negative connotation.  But I am ENOUGH.  I am doing ENOUGH.  I am good ENOUGH.  I have had ENOUGH of COVID 19.  But what is the real definition of ENOUGH?  From, it says "adequate for the want or need; sufficient for the purpose or to satisfy desire".  I think that this sounds good ENOUGH for me!

I am giving up on the 1 second a day app.  I actually figured out how to do my own montage using the video software on my computer plus I just cannot add to my list of daily "to dos".  I will share last year's when I catch up adding pictures to it from March - November.  

Here is a link to my 1 Second mash up for 2020     2020

I am going to try two podcasts about my faith.  I try to keep this blog focused on professional topics, but I am still human.  So you can either stop reading here or check them out below!

1. I have always wanted to read the Bible. I think that most Christians have tried to read the whole book or have good intentions to try it.  Well, I found a podcast by a Catholic Priest that I follow from time to time who is reading the Bible this year.  I usually listen to him on YouTube when I am driving alone and need something to listen to.  Well, the cool thing is that it follows the "Great Adventure" Bible.  I had not heard of it and could not justify buying another Bible. 

GOOSEBUMP STORY - Well, last week, I popped into work in a terrible mood, super stressed out, and ready to "lose it".  It was a BAD day in home learning (actually the worst in the past 9 months kind of bad day!).  A co-worker from the maintenance department whom I barely know other than a polite wave and facebook 'friend' approached me and asked if I wanted some Catholic books.  Sure...then he went on to say something like "I also have this Great Adventure Bible if you want it"  WHAT _ WAIT_ STOP_ SHUT UP.  I had not even told my husband that I wanted this exact Bible or was considering listening to this podcast.  It was like God was saying to me - here is what you NEED!
Here is a link if you are interested in the podcast -  Bible in a Year.  I honestly don't know where I will find 20 minutes to listen, but it is a novel goal and 2 of my children are super interested.  

2. I have a book that I borrowed from my daughter's book shelf in April and put on my "TO READ" stack.  I have honestly looked at it, moved it, hid it, etc... The other day it reappeared back on my nightstand and not by me!   Maybe hubby?  Then I saw another Catholic blogger who is going to tackle this book in 10 minutes a day.  BUT I already want to listen to another podcast that I do not think that I have time for.  How can I find time for a second?  Honestly, no clue...maybe while I get ready in the morning?  Maybe 1 day a week I can play catch up?  Maybe it won't happen.  It will be recorded for me and ready when I am ready.  
Here is a link to that podcast as well - St. Faustina's Diary

So here is to a NEW YEAR and a NEW START.  I look forward to trying some new science activities, new podcasts, and balance home and school.  I don't see an easy road ahead...but inch by inch it is a cinch is the old saying! 

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