This morning, I woke up early and scurried to the basement to help Santa's elves wrap a few packages for Christmas. I started last night, but nosy curious children derailed progress. Usually, we pick a fun outing for the kids to the YmCA or gymnastics for a Kids Night Out...but those are not really an option this year. I know that it is only November 29th, but I do not like to wait until the last minute. In our house, my husband buys 85% of the gifts throughout the year when he finds a special item or good deal. I have no idea what is the totes until he reveals the items to me. It like Christmas for me. It is our family TRADITION! As I wrapped in the silence, I had time to think and reflect and pre-write this post.
I know that this year will be different. The mall Santa is "protected" in plexiglass. There are fewer holiday events in our communities. I know that people are stressing about who to invite to their holiday dinner. But different can be a good thing allows to find new traditions and create new memories. And I do not feel obligated to fill every weekend with running around...more quiet home time for our family.
In STEAM, we are celebrating the entire month with something that I am calling De"STEM"ber. I totally borrowed this from other teachers, but made it my own. The activities can be done at school, at home, or a combination! I do not want to say too much, but I am SO excited to start them on Tuesday at school!?!? Often, the older students bring their laptops to STEAM and we code on and listen to instrumental holiday music in December. However, I feel that we are all over screen timed currently, so I think that this will a good switch!
At our house, we are keeping many items the same, but I am trying a new holiday/advent book with activities. I try to keep my blog secular, but at times I do mention my faith. The book is called "When Will It be Christmas". I am excited for the activities, verses, and reflection.