Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Summer 2020 ponderings

I have a few quick topics that are on my mind!  I will put them together in this one crazy post.

1. Little Free Library UPDATE
2. Professional learning 
3. Summer reading opportunities
4. Summer learning continues


I originally posted about Little Free Libraries in summer of 2016.  Here is a link to that post: Little Free Library BLOG post.  But I have not updated much since then formally.  I recently took a few pictures of regionally Little Free Libraries in my area.  Our United Way has several documents and links to help you find a Little Free Library to support (share books with) or find a new read.  List of Little Free Library  OR visit the United Way website for an interactive map United Way + Little Free Libraries.  Plus there is a national map using the Little Free Library official website (Official Little Free Library Locator) or the unofficial app (Little Locator).  For the official locator, I find that the zip code search works best!  

Where are your favorites?  Here are few pictures of regional Little Free Libraries!

New pictures of the Little Free Library at Wattsburg Area Elementary 

Feature books in the front

Unofficial one on West 6th Street near Erie County Health Department
It was in SAD shape inside and needs some love!

On Burton Avenue near the park (plus there is another at the park!)

This is a BIG Little Free Library on Dobbins landing.  It reminds me of a lighthouse.  There is another in the EMTA building inside near by that looks like an EMTA bus!


I was supposed to go to Penn State for an Ag Institute by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau learning opportunity.  This was cancelled because of COVID.  Here is the link if you are curious about this - Ag Institute Link

Instead, I am reading a book called "Bold School" with some co-workers.  Look for updates later in the month.  


Normally, businesses and libraries offer many different opportunities to promote reading.  Here is what I have found this summer!

1. Pizza Hut - It is the Book It.  Here is the link for parents - Camp Book It

2. Scholastic - There is a program and app option.  Here is the link to Read - A - Palooza and a link to the Home Base activity site - Scholastic Home Base.  

3. In Erie, PA, our local PBS channel called WQLN has a summer reading program for the month of JULY.  Here is the link for more information.  WQLN or Summer Reading Race Flyer

4. Public library is using a virtual way to track reading minutes and books.  The whole family can participate!  It starts on July 13.  Bean Stack


Again there are many opportunities and ideas in our region to learn and grow in a non-traditional way.

1. Penn State Behrend's "GOOSE CHASE".  It is a fun scavenger hunt app - Goose Chase

2. Headwaters Park has monthly scavenger hunts - Scavenger hunt

3. Outdoor BINGO throughout Erie County - Summer Bingo


Have a great summer - here is what the children are reading in my house!

1. TJ - age 7 is reading book 2 in the Sophie Mouse series 

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2. Bella-Ann - age 10 is finishing up "Who Was Thomas Jefferson" and going to start one on Alexandar Hamilton

Plus we are onto book 3 in the Chronicles of Narnia called "A Horse and His Boy".

Finally - here is my new mantra for fall!  

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