I am choosing to focus on summer and summer fun. I have less than 40 precious days before the school year starts whether online, at home, blended, in person, etc...
The children do not need to know that you are researching the best masks for them, the possible school options, etc...
They need to remember trips to parks, scavenger hunts in the backyard, popsicles and sprinklers, trips to a pool (if allowed). Find something that your family loves to do and just do it a few hours a day. Let the children live in a "bubble".
The children do not need to know that you are researching the best masks for them, the possible school options, etc...
They need to remember trips to parks, scavenger hunts in the backyard, popsicles and sprinklers, trips to a pool (if allowed). Find something that your family loves to do and just do it a few hours a day. Let the children live in a "bubble".
Then calmly prepare them for the unknown fall 2020 as best that you can. I plan to find new/better masks this week that will really fit my children. The ones that we made in haste in spring were designed to be wore less than 5 times and gone. This is not happening. I see masks being here for a while. Whether at school or in the community.
I know that the adults are going crazy...but everything is changing weekly...daily...hourly. So let the kids be kids. Many times, they read our emotions and feelings and echo them back.
This post is just my opinions!!!!!!! How are you preparing for fall?
This post is just my opinions!!!!!!! How are you preparing for fall?
We have read three of the "Who Was" Series so far - Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and Ben Franklin. Today we are starting Blackbeard!
Ben and Bella are doing a summer book club in a box from the library together. It has been good for them to solve who will read to whom, how long to read, etc... They set up their own accounts in BookClubz. The book is getting better as most do! It has quite a bit of Spanish in it so they are learning as they go! The book is:
Tj finished books 1 and 2 of the Sophie Mouse series. Not sure what is on his next read list...maybe book 3?
My book club on Bold School is great for discussion and thoughtfully prepare for fall lessons.
My book club on Bold School is great for discussion and thoughtfully prepare for fall lessons.
Plus I completed two days in STEAM/Library working on discarded books, cataloging new books, and STEAM clean out!
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