Friday, August 16, 2019

Project Fun!?!

It is  July and summer is half over!

Ha ha...I started this post a month ago.  Now August is coming to a close.  Summer is almost over, but I can say that I stretched my comfort zone.  My husband will be thankful for the end of my projects.  It was kind of like Phineas and Ferb every day.  I still think their summer adventures might be more "fun"!  My children helped as you will see below.

Look for STEAM posts soon!

Here are the top 3 that you might find of interest:

1. We cleaned out a overgrown scrappy patch to create a garden.  This was heavy and messy, but we do have a small garden growing.  Beans and tomatoes are doing best!
The "before" picture of the garden 

Just planted in June...look for a current picture soon

2. Build a bench from the blocks from the garden project.  Thanks Pinterest for ideas.

Cleaning the blocks before my 7 year old got the power washer out!

Scraping off moss, mud, and more!

Bella sealed the boards with a clear coat.

The bench!

The beautiful backyard 

3. Barn demolition - well more of a cosmetic face lift before construction begins. There is a great old horse barn that we hope to turn into a meaningful space eventually.  This was a huge project including filling an 11 yard dumpster with debris and old build material and animal feces.
We did salvage an amazing picnic table in the process.

Barn condition 

All cleaned up

Loved eating dinner, visiting family and friends here, and watching my children explore.


Removing old paneling and styrofoam "insulation".

The ugly ceiling that needed ripped down.

These are the sheets that were on the ceiling then covered in white tiles seen here.

The ceiling is solid, dry, and, beautiful without the ugly tiles!

Attic was next

Digging through history!

Found on 7-8-19

We can see potential now!

Mostly cleaned out

The 11 yard dumpster

Epic box burn pile

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