Sunday, August 25, 2019

Everyone Has a Story

I have been working on the"mom and dad" homework...SCHOOL FORMS, teacher letters, etc...

Both TJ and Bella-Ann's teachers asked me what is my goal for my child this school year.  One even wanted to know what my goal for her was and for the school.  My open speaker, Denise McDowell, at our inservice asked us to mentally think about our goal as an educator.   In addition, our administration talked about their goals for teachers in the district!  Th

I get it...I need to talk about goals. 

So here are my morning thoughts on goals for STEAM this year.

First, I have a theme or topic that I want to follow..."What is your story?".  Think about it...

Every student has a story
Every teacher has a story
Every administrator has a story

But more than STEAM...every day items have a story.  Think about the has a story.  Think about a has a story.  Think about  the ___________ (you can fill in the blank) has a story!

I want students to start asking questions on their own and I hope that I can spark them to be curious about the items that we use every day.  2nd and 3rd grade are going to start this with the book

So my first goal is to get everyone asking "What is his story?  What is her story?  What is this items story?"  Asking leads to learning!

Secondly, I want to increase my students knowledge of the keyboard.  Students in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade will spend about 15 minutes typing in STEAM about 3 - 4 times per quarter or about an hour every quarter.  This equates to 3-4 hours of typing practice over the course of a school year.  My GOAL is that these students will know the home row of keys (and type them correctly) by the end of the year.

Third, is a personal goal to be more organized.  I can organize a schedule or a calendar.  Paper organization is my biggest problem.  Students in 2nd - 4th grade are going to try my new folder system.  I will take pictures and share more as it is developed!  This will hold a keyboard for tracking progress, log in cards, STEAM journal, and it will hold all of the PAPERS that are usually floating around STEAM when a project runs longer than a class.

Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year!  Set some goals whether you are a parent, a home schooler who follows me, or even a member of the community.  We all need some direction in life.  I know that some goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound), but this is my starting point.

HAVE A GREAT 2019-2020 school year...look for updates on our goals 

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