Friday, May 26, 2023

Update and wrap up

 March - May - it is a bit of blur mixed with lots of highs and a few lows.

In mid - March, I got a wicked case of Covid.  Nothing life threatening - but not fun.  2.5 months later, I am slowly feeling like a human again.  The tired feeling has been the worst part (think the day after a stomach bug feeling - where your energy is zapped by a shower feeling)...but all day every day for 2 months.

I kept all the plates but barely - evidence by my son's Mother's Day project.  Yes - the TV is my new favorite activity - but I am still teaching and volunteering!

However,  I am will celebrate the wins and the future.

Tech take apart lessons, piloting Carnegie Museum course, trying AASL lesson plans, teaching, visiting Akron Zoo, Shrine of St. Dymphna, and Mother Angelica Museum, finishing up cub scouts this year, lots of end of the year celebrations, training for church (EDGE), and more.

My favorite lesson is the end of the year memory power points by the fourth graders.  Here are a few slides that touched me.

Plus I was crazy enough to add on a very part time.  I am learning about content creation with User Generated Content.  It is cool to make $12 and get a free product just to take a picture with a product.  Today, I am going to try my first video.  Thank goodness my teen daughter is on board as the script writer, picture taker, and idea generator.  JoinBrands  You can check out Join Brands too!

10 more days of school!  I can do it :)

Off to celebrate a 4 day week, graduation for my oldest from pharmacy school, and Memorial Day.

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