Saturday, March 13, 2021

One year

 March 13, 2020 was 2 weeks to flatten the curve.  I knew that it was a historical moment.  I still could not predicted many of the events of the past 365 days.  

Personally, I NEEDED a break.  My 11 and 13 year olds had just participated in our high school musical, the art teacher and I teamed up for an EPIC OUT OF THIS WORLD art show, and more.  Tired approached a new level.  

I had decided that I could make it Easter, but decided to use a few personal days to give myself a bit of a break after Easter break (I rarely use personal days). So this two week shut down came at the right time in my life.  I did not need to use those days in the long run.  

It has been a year.  I can list positives and negatives... I could discuss many other activities going on in the world, but I want to keep this about moving forward, learning, and growing.  I wish that I had some magical post or meme or idea, but this is all I have got in my head this morning.  I also want to stay NEUTRAL!  No controversary in my blog ;)


My STEAM room has been busy.  3rd and 4th graders are wrapping up their INVENT IT projects.  Many of the students are working well on this project.  The freedom is a bit of a challenge for some students. They get off task, play around, distract others.  Many are moving full steam ahead to create some awesome projects.  Many are held together by Dollar Tree masking tape (it works well for the price!) and hot glue...lots and lots.  We have used cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, egg cartons, string, and even OLD messed up lamination film (someone forgot to turn off the laminator years ago and ran the WHOLE roll through blank and it had to be thrown out or hoarded in the STEAM room!).  

2nd grade is working on art and technology together.  We learned about pixels first.  Then we did some offline and online pixel art.  The website that we used was ABCYA PIXEL ART.  I found many but knew that was a safe website.  The next week we made hats for Read Across America week.  We did follow Seuss before we knew that the controversary was so rampant.  Students created a pirate hat from upcycled newspaper.  Our inspiration video was -

Here are a few of those creations:

Then this week we started lesson on Art drawing.  It uses the terms like pixels.  Plus most classes tried the Stick Together Mosaic as well.  Here is a link - please add 20 stickers to our online mosaic!  I started this with 3rd and 4th grade while remote, but did not get much buy in or assistance.  Hope to see what it is soon!  Here is that link - Stick Together Mosaic

Kindgarten and First grade worked on ROBOTS.  They did similar but different activities.  For example - Kindergarten got a robot head and finished the drawing as a warm up.  While first grade got three sets of legs and had to decide how to finish the creations.  Then we read Boy + Bot. 

Finally, we built some online robots.  First grade could choose from ABCYA Build a Robot OR PBS Kids Curious George Robot activity.  Kindergarten just did PBS KIDS option.  Then we did some Dr. Seuss/Read Across America inspired activities.  First grade made crowns/hats for hat day.  Kindergarten listened to "What Pet Should I get" from online then built a pet out of LEGOS then took a picture/video on Seesaw.  If they had time, the students could explore PBS CAT in THE HAT WEBSITE.  
Here are our recent websites:
ABCYA Build A Robot

Curious George Build A Bot

What Pet Should I Get Read Aloud

First grade and Kindergarten are continuing with computer coding on Code.Org.  First grade is working on repeats and loops which can be a CHALLENGE.  K loved the BB8 Robot level this week and cleaning up metal.  Most of them just work through the challenging puzzles step by step.  First grade are trying their best, but the touch pad computers are a hinderance to efficiency and mouse control.

Personally, I am still listening to my blogs, back to in person meetings, and trying to keep up with everything.  March is here and it is MAPLE syrup season.  So that is always fun and interesting too.  Maybe I should share some of this with the students this week!  

I hope you enjoy hearing about what is going on in schools.  Pandemic or not...learning and fun must go on :)

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