Thursday, August 27, 2020


Scouting has allowed my children to learn and grow as well as have some "normalcy" in these crazy times.  

When my son was in 3rd grade, he came home saying that he wanted to try cub scouts.  I was clueless, but went to the information session and ended up signing him up on the spot.  A bit of arm twisting, tear filled eyes (from him), and papers in my lap contributed to this decision.  It was not my choice, but he was adamant to try!  We stumbled through the first year.  New terminology, new activities, new experiences...but Ben and I did it together with the help of many new friends.  I was only expecting to keep him happy not make life changes.  I signed up for a meeting a week to teach him a few things that I couldn't living in a more urban setting.  

The next school year, his brother was in Kindergarten and started the relatively new Lion program.  He has grown to love scouting.  This past weekend, he joined me on a family camp out.  He was the only cub scout, but LOVED being with the bigger "boys".  

Simultaneously, our daughter who is between these two siblings found and joined a Girl Scout group at our local elementary school.  This group of girls are super bright, creative, and fun-loving.  Meetings and events are the highlights that she looks forward too!

Over the past 4 years, scouting has becoming an integral part of our lives.  So when the pandemic hit in March and they declared - NO SCHOOL - NO SCOUTING...I was devastated for them.  March, April, and May were super meetings, no running, nothing...

June came and we found that scouting was back in our lives in a variety of ways, but still awesome!

Girl Scouts had an outdoor challenge and then video taped activities for the girls to complete "fun" patches at home.  Bella has worked through about 5 of these.  They are designed for an hour, but she really works on them and adds her own unique details.  This is a positive use of YouTube.  She has done Duct Tape art, Fairy Houses, Pie Making, Upcycled Jewelry, and just started Ice Cream.  This has allowed her to challenge herself to watch a video and complete the steps!

Cub Scouts has returned virtually throughout the summer for TJ.  The regional group has had ZOOM sessions to watch and discuss and learn.  He has done fish, butterflies, bike safety, first aid, and even Zumba!  He looks forward to seeing a few familiar faces and learning something new.  These are like field trips from our kitchen table,

BSA (Boy Scouts) has been huge for our oldest son during this summer.  His small group of 12 has re-united and are having a blast.  They re-created a small summer camp, went canoeing, built cardboard boats, and even did a family campout.  Everything occurs outdoors and 6 feet apart whenever possible but full of FUN!  He needs to see other little humans like himself.  

I know that sports are on and off.  I know that some families are looking for human interaction for their children.  

This is just my personal journey and story...not a paid endorsement.  Everyone needs to find a place in the community to belong.  My family has found scouting!  

We each have to find our ways to survive the is one of the ways that we have stayed "normal".

New Scout Camp shirt

Ben modeling his new scout shirt

Peddle Paddle prizes

Prizes last night at Peddle Paddle
He peddled 3 miles around Eaton Reservoir on his bike and did a canoe race across part as well! 

Buckaloons picture

Picture from our family campout at Buckaloons

TJ new bicycle helmet

TJ modeling his new helmet earlier this summer

TJ with paper airplanes

Paper airplanes were a super fun zoom meeting for him

Rolling pie dough

This is how Bella figured out how to roll her pie crust dough out

Completed fairy house

A complete fairy garden from Bella!  


BSA and cub scouts - start with this website BSA

Here is the link for  Girl Scouts

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