Sunday, April 26, 2020

Staying Healthy!

I honestly do not know what to write.  My family has been home together since March 13th.  It is now April 26th!  My family is lucky to live in a bubble.  My husband and I can work from home.  We are both getting paid.  My children do not need to go to childcare.  We are blessed with food from school and our own food.  No hungry bellies!  Our zipcode/region of our county has a low case count of Covid 19 positive cases.  Our family has a beautiful yard and neighborhood to explore.  

I am not trying to brag or boast, but it is my current reality.  I am trying to envision families with any different reality.  I wish that I had a magic wand or potion to fix everything.  

As a teacher, the expectations and platforms are changing minute by minute.  Teachers are learning on the go.  I never knew how to make PDF pictures.  Now I do.  Each of us is sitting at a computer deciding what to cover in our curriculum, how to modify it for a variety of learners, etc...  The questions are endless!!!

Our district has gone through three phases during this time period.  First, was the 2 week shut down and "wait and see."  Second phase was the online enrichment/packets.   Currently, we are preparing for phase LEARNING on May 4th.

Wow...I feel like I could spend all day researching and preparing and fixing and creating.  I am using something new to me called BUNCEE.  It is great tool and has so many cool options.  I hope that the students like the activities.  One platform and one link sounded more manageable for families than a series of random links and PDFs.  Maybe I am over thinking this, but I do not know.  I just need to follow the advise in this article!  Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper

In addition, I am a mother of six children who are now doing online enrichment and preparing for online learning.  I will fully admit to not being too strict or scheduled for this online enrichment.  I spoke to this a few weeks on my blog.  

This week, we created a schedule and discussed this change from online enrichment to online learning.  Today is house cleaning day.  I know that it is Sunday, but yesterday was too nice to stay in and clean.  Tomorrow, I want to give our new schedule a "TRIAL RUN" and not be worried about cleaning.  

What do you think education will look like next school year?  Did you see this article from NPR about the future of education?  9 Ways Schools Will Look Different  

Here are a few images that I have captured of "HOME LEARNING":

Workbook/fine motor practice

After game night picture

Mask making (for dolls)

Pizza making fun

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I love that you are blogging about this! I think it will be interesting when you look back on these crazy days. Bless you for teaching while you manage your busy household. - Angela
