Saturday, January 26, 2019

January updates

This month is flying by...

So what are we doing in STEAM and library?


Here is a highlight of each grade level:

Kindergarten - Winter centers, polar picture/skip counting puzzles, snow experiments and more!  Most are recycled from previous years, but I did add two snow science experiments. 

Experiment inspiration -
Melting snow
Salt experiment

First grade - Snow research on Pebble Go, make a recycled materials dendrite, and do skip counting puzzles.  Some of the groups also got to do the two snow science experiments

Second grade - Snow research on Pebble Go, make a recycled materials dendrite, and are starting coding on Kodable website

Third Grade - Read the "Technology Tail" and worked on Interland.  In addition, some chose to make a recycle materials dendrite.  Plus we are starting to learn how to use our printers and solve the first step of a Rubix cube

Interland - Be Internet Awesome
You Can Do the Cube

Fourth grade - same as third grade but they also did some paired programming on to "catch everyone up to the same spot

It has been a busy month plus 2 hour delays, snow days, teacher work days, meetings, and more!

Look for some cool pictures below.

Image result for technology tail

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