Saturday, September 22, 2018

Little Free Library Traveling Journal

I have become obsessed with Little Free Libraries.  I made my dad/daughter visit several for me while they went on vacation.  I look for them as we travel near and far.  I keep a box to fill them up as I drive by (even in rougher neighborhoods).  Recently, I even created a "Google Doc" on the Little Free Libraries in Erie County.  Here is the link - LFL - ERIE COUNTY PA

Naturally, I was excited to hear about a traveling journal of Little Free Libraries.  About 2 weeks ago, I received the box on the night of open house.  No time to open was crazy.  Fast forward, I carved out time on Monday last week to open the box.  It was like Christmas.  The old worn looking journal called out to me.  Plus the previous senders included a picture book of Philadelphia and bookmarks!  I was so touched.  I read and perused the book for an hour or so at bedtime.  So many touching many amazing places!

Next, I had to write my entry in TRAVEL.  What do I say?  What makes our Little Free Library special and unique?  What do others want to know about my library?

Today, I penned my essay, took pictures, printed pictures, and more!  TRAVEL is ready to move on with a surprise for the next location (shhhh...I will tell you once they receive it!)

I cannot wait to follow up on TRAVEL's BLOG.  I do not want to let it go.  Will I do another traveling journal - YES!  I might start one to go from school library to school library and create a Flat Stanley.

Here are a few pictures to illustrate what I am talking about!  You can learn more about TRAVEL at the following link - MEET TRAVEL

The outside of the journal

My entry into TRAVEL journal

My pictures and wrap up

My sweet Philadelphia book from the previous steward

The bookmarks enclosed as well!


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