Saturday, September 22, 2018

Little Free Library Traveling Journal

I have become obsessed with Little Free Libraries.  I made my dad/daughter visit several for me while they went on vacation.  I look for them as we travel near and far.  I keep a box to fill them up as I drive by (even in rougher neighborhoods).  Recently, I even created a "Google Doc" on the Little Free Libraries in Erie County.  Here is the link - LFL - ERIE COUNTY PA

Naturally, I was excited to hear about a traveling journal of Little Free Libraries.  About 2 weeks ago, I received the box on the night of open house.  No time to open was crazy.  Fast forward, I carved out time on Monday last week to open the box.  It was like Christmas.  The old worn looking journal called out to me.  Plus the previous senders included a picture book of Philadelphia and bookmarks!  I was so touched.  I read and perused the book for an hour or so at bedtime.  So many touching many amazing places!

Next, I had to write my entry in TRAVEL.  What do I say?  What makes our Little Free Library special and unique?  What do others want to know about my library?

Today, I penned my essay, took pictures, printed pictures, and more!  TRAVEL is ready to move on with a surprise for the next location (shhhh...I will tell you once they receive it!)

I cannot wait to follow up on TRAVEL's BLOG.  I do not want to let it go.  Will I do another traveling journal - YES!  I might start one to go from school library to school library and create a Flat Stanley.

Here are a few pictures to illustrate what I am talking about!  You can learn more about TRAVEL at the following link - MEET TRAVEL

The outside of the journal

My entry into TRAVEL journal

My pictures and wrap up

My sweet Philadelphia book from the previous steward

The bookmarks enclosed as well!


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Technology, art, and engineering

The 2018 - 2019 school year is off to amazing start!

My personal professional goals are to incorporate more ART and MATH in STEAM.  The past two years have been heavy on the Science, Technology, and Engineering.

So here is what we have done to meet this "goal":
Week 1 - we created snowflake gears.
Week 2/3 - we created a rubix cube mosaic flowers

So how did the students created a rubix cube mosaic?  First I rented the cubes for FREE (just pay shipping back) through You Can Do the Cube.  You Can Do the Cube website

First, I printed off two flower templates from the "You Can Do the Cube" website.  I laminated one set and as the "board" and the second set was cut into squares.  I left out whole cubes for the first one.  I had 23 cubes to solve.  Each student had a cube, a note card with the pattern needed for the mosaic, and on the back the corresponding number to the mosaic.  As they solved a cube, they walked out to the computer floor and added their cube to the mosaic.  When all 23 cubes were complete, I slid the four sections together to create the final mosaic!

Over all, it went well.  I had a few classes that had several broken rubix cubes.  In addition, students lacked GRIT.  If they could not get it immediately, they would either verbally complain, hand it off to a successful peer, or simple abandon their cube.  All of my classes completed at least 20 out of 23 cubes to create the mosaic.

If I were to do it again, I would have a few extra cubes on hand.  I would also possible try to selective hand harder combinations to certain students.

The students were amazed at what they created.

After they were done with mosaics, they hand free-choice engineering.  The new LEGO wall is a HUGE hit as well as KEVA planks.  I added a KEVA PLANKS challenge as well to the choices.

Here are a few mosaic pictures and free choice engineering pictures!

Adding a piece to part of the mosaic

Completed mosaics



Friday, September 7, 2018

Back to School 2018

I start every school year by covering Internet Safety.  This is a requirement before any student is online.  This year, the assistant principal and I collaborated.  He located a wonderful pre-created presentation by NetSmartz.  Here is a link to download them and watch at home.

Netsmartz link - Power Point

It is a scary digital world where children can talk/type with complete strangers through many different games including FortNight, Roblox, and others.  Devices are rampant and these children are completely unaware.  Hopefully, the can stay safe with these four rules of internet safety!

The second activity was a hands-on activity to create a "snowflake gear".  I found this free template on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Students in grades 1 - 4 cut these out as a brain break and assessment of the students.  They hung them around the STEAM rooms.
Teacher Dock


KINDERGARTEN worked on tin foil boats as the main activity.  This is a great way to introduce ENGINEERING!  This was my first STEAM activity and still one of my favorites. 
Original boat post

In addition, students work in TEAMS to complete large floor puzzles.

Look for information on Rubix Cubes, NetSmartz website, and more next week!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Weeding, carpet, garden...summer 2018

I have been busy with weeding books, moving books out of (and back into) the library for new carpet, and assisting with our school garden.

Here are a few pictures of the summer projects:

Huge zucchini make fun/silly pictures

One of smaller picking sessions

Beautiful carrots and peppers

8 zucchinis call for a Octo Zucchini picture for fun

Back to school garden haul

Onto the elementary school salad bar
Here are the peppers cut into circles

Peppers, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes

Yellow and red cherry tomatoes


Now onto the STEAM room updates

Engineering wall

New LEGO wall