Saturday, January 27, 2018

Olympics Cross Curricular

Today at Wattsburg Elementary, the special area teachers (physical education, library, art, and music) collaborated to create 3 stations focused on the OLYMPICS!  Students rotated through each station.  The students spent about 15 minutes at each station.

At the literarcy/music station, students read the book "Olympics" by BG Hennessey.  Then students learned about the national anthem and the open ceremony music.  Finally, students "marched" or "paraded" around the auditorium to the opening ceremony music!

Click for more information on this title

The second station that students went to was physical education.  Students learned about speed skating, the color/metal of each medal, and the podium stand.  Students got to take turns in heats doing "speed skating".  Each student took two rectangular "carpet" square pieces, turned them carpet side down, and stood on the back of the carpet pieces.   Students then attempted to skate around the gym in a large "circle".  The top two times in each heat were recorded.  Then the top 3 students in each home room were awarded "medals" made out of paper and string.  Finally, these award winning students stood on the podium for a picture!

The third station was art station.  The students learned about the 5 rings, the colors, and the history behind them.  Then students got time to color the following olympics graphic as well as the rings!

Image result for olympic rings worksheet

Friday, January 12, 2018

WQLN Reading Competition 2017

For the past several years, Wattsburg Elementary Center has participated in the WQLN school wide reading competition.  Last year, the school won in 2 out of 3 categories.  Check this information out at my previous post -  WQLN 2016

This year, the students tracked books read in library, STEAM, and at home!

The school won in the same two categories - school wide points and highest student reader.  Thursday afternoon (1/11/2018) was the celebration and official awards from WQLN.  

WQLN offers two additional competitions for the rest of the school year...individual student competitions as well as the NEW classroom incentives. 
You can check them out at WQLN Reading Incentives


5417 books were read at home and in library during September, October, November

Top student:
Cheyenne Brown – K Burdick – 980 books

Top class:
Mrs. Burdick's class read 1095 books

3 other students read over 200 books! 
Ezra D – K McAvoy
Jackson W – K McAvoy
Sophie W – 4 Bucerri

Top 3 classes:

Here are a few pictures of the winner and some of the rewards - Cheyanne got a trophy, books, and Kindle Fire.  The library got $250 for new books!

Plus Erie Times News featured our school in the newspaper - check it out
Newspaper Link

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 - One Word - PATIENCE

Last year, I posted about the "One Word" challenge by Jon Gordon and his book.  You can find that post at this link - 2017 One Word

So last year my word was TRUST.  WOW - it was a year full of needing to trust so many things that were "out of my control"

Here are just a few times when I needed TRUST in the past year:

  • My mom had minor brain surgery (and came through it) - we had to trust those surgeons!
  • I was nominated to spend a week at Keystone Technology Integrators training in July.  Little did I know that I would be in the middle of moving and pregnant.  I had to trust others to work on projects based on a few pinterest pictures to get this process started.
  • Moving - lots of trust in this situation
  • Work - changing personel in the library meant that I had to trust my administration
  • Learning that my now 5 year old has moderate to severe hearing loss.  I had to trust the medical team to get him the right equipment to make him a successful Kindergartener
  • Teens ;)  I had to trust my daughter as she navigated driving, graduating, select a college, and more.  
  • New babies - the whole pregnancy and birth involved lots of trust.  Thank goodness for knowledgable birth team!

So onto a new year, new start, new word - PATIENCE!


  • the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset (as per Google)
  • the quality of being patientas the bearing of provocation,annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper,irritation, or the like. (

So I have created a pinterest board to keep my motivation going and to get more inspirational quotes!

Patience board

What is your word for 2018?
Share below in this padlet - click on the little + below and it will give you a "sticky note" to post below!

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