Saturday, October 17, 2020

Garden 2020 Wrap Up

 The end of the garden season snuck up on us with a bitter frost on the grass at school this morning.  I am hoping to save the tomatoes still on the vine?!?!? Plus radishes and a mini egg plant.

So what have we (Bethany Pinzok and I) accomplished even with Covid and delays and such?

We donated to the local food pantry three times.  The first time was about 20 bags of lettuce and arugula.  The next two were about 15 bags of tomatoes.  So about 50 families got FRESH produce from our garden.  

Each bag contains 1 large green tomato and about 8 yellow mini tomatoes

Ready for deliver

Labels for the bags

We shared some with our faculty and staff at Wattsburg Area Elementary Center.  One teacher was excited to take yellow tomatoes home to an elderly family member who loves them!  Make my heart melt..

Green beans and tomatoes ready to share 

Finally, we even got some tomatoes on the lunch line a few times in September/October despite all of the barriers.  This is the ultimate goal - FARM TO TABLE!  

The yellow ones were picked that morning from the garden

Plus our project was featured on the local news recently!  It has been a labor of love this year!
Erie News Now and a link was listed on Newsbreak!

I am excited for phase 2 and teaming up with our high school agriculture class who is going to help seed starting with us!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

September wrap up

 I am shocked that we have been in school for a month now!  Honestly, I thought that schools would see spikes and closings.  However, the administration did an amazing job preparing schedules, hallways, and guidance for teachers/staff.  The students in K-4 are happy to back school...they do not really notice the masks and are adjusting to spacing out.  October 20 will be the district's first day with 100% attendance K-12.  Here are a few updates on what students are doing in STEAM.  

This year, the district's tablets were moved to the Kindergarten wing so that each child would have access to a tablet.  The K team approached me for some assistance in getting K online in October.  This is way before the normal February goal.  The tablets do not need a sign in and are touch screens which was super helpful.  I actually should called them a "Windows Surface" not a tablet.   For speed, efficiency, and consistency, I chose to bookmark all 80 tablets on Google Chrome, label them, and prepare them for student use.  The machines now have "Clever" bookmarked on Google Chrome.  This is a webpage that with a simple scan of a QR code takes the students to websites and learning activities. 

The next hurdle was teaching 5 and 6 year olds how to use a Window Surface with a variety of technology backgrounds.  I have started teaching students how to turn them on, how to plug in headphones (it is a hidden door on the case), how to start to access a database called Pebble Go, and even shut them down.  Plus they had to learn to scan a QR code. 

It has gone better than expected.  I think that I can enhance my curriculum by increasing student use on the tablets in K.  In addition, we are reviewing shapes, colors, and letters with each click.  For example, Google Chrome is a circle and Clever is a blue square with a white letter C.  

1st and 2nd:
These students are online much sooner in the year in order to prepare them for the potential of a school shutdown.  Again, we are really relying on BOOKMARKING Clever for consistency and ease of access.  Students have learned how to access Pebble Go and Brain Pop Junior for fun and learning while using Clever as the portal.  The goal this week was to try leaf rubbings but the rainy weather postponed this activity so we jumped in Code.Org.  Tomorrow, my last group will wrap up the unplugged activities (some created a map in the courtyard and some did an algorithm activity using the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear".)  Here is a link to the Brown Bear activity - Brown Bear

3rd and 4th:
Students here are focusing on TEAMS in Microsoft as well as Clever.  I plan to blend the two together with links within both.  In TEAMS, students learned to use the camera on the computer and start to upload a picture.  This is a multi-step process that will need practiced to be completely independent.  We used LEGO challenges as our topic for the activity.

In Clever, we learned to use Brain Pop and talked about robots.  Then we are transitioning into starting EDUTYPING.  I plan to really encourage students to complete the entire home row this fall then onto the top row in spring.  Many enjoy the challenge, but some students do not.  So we then switch it up after about 15-20 minutes and do other activities like art and LEGO challenges.  

Children are is going to be a great school year for everyone!  If you want to check out Clever, the website is CLEVER.

Students are patient and ready to try the new technology activities.  I see them leaning many new skills out of necessity.  I am really trying to creatively figure out how to pull out all of my engineering, robotics, and electricity activities.  In the past we did these as teams and centers.  Now I am not 100% sure!