Wednesday, August 2, 2017


As I reflect on KTI as well as the 2016-2017 school year, I see how to make the 2017-2018 school year even better.

Last year, I was very focused on WHAT I was teaching and HOW I was teaching it.  As I was listening to the keynote speaker on Jared Mader, my transformation began!  It was my big AH-HA from the 5 day summit.  I was at a technology conference and my biggest take away was not about a website or an app or a fancy new makerspace toy.  It was a shift in mindset and pedagogy (how I teach).  I want to look at every lesson and ask myself WHY am I teaching this?  What will these young people take away from this lesson?  I started to teaching nearly 18 years ago with a passion for youth and wanting to make a difference in their lives.  I NEED TO REFOCUS ON MY WHY!

In addition, he and Ann Noonen talked about the ISTE standards.  ISTE stands for "International Society for Technology in Education". The standards focus on what our students will become by graduation.  It is exactly WHY I am teaching which is to make a difference in my students lives.  These standards have powerful language built into each one.

So I will be taking the next three weeks to dive in and fully comprehend how to implement these standards!  I cannot forget the model library curriculum created by the Pennsylvania State Library Association (PSLA).  Actually, the two items work hand in hand.

Here are the ISTE standards with more information at ISTE STANDARDS:
Image result for iste 2016 standards

what is your WHY?  Is this in the forefront every day?