Saturday, March 16, 2019

STEAM updates

Summer of 2016, a wall was constructed in the library to create a STEAM room.  Then the room got 24 stationary computers.

I was focused on the T of STEAM.  Fast forward to 2019, it time for more space for science and engineering.

This week, half the computers were removed and half the tables were re-arranged.  It looks totally different!

The space is AMAZING.  I have lots of lesson planning to complete, but the transformation is just what I needed.

Starting on Monday, students will be alternating technology for 1 week and the other week will be focused on Science, Engineering, Art, and Math.

In addition, inspired by other librarians I added a "Stick Together" mural display.  Students will be adding squares to the mural for good behavior.  This was purchased from Amazon.  Check it out!
Can you guess what it is?  I will keep you posted on the progress!

Interested in Stick Together murals?  Here is the link Stick Together website

Here is a few pictures of the new space!!!!

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